Топ 7 групи храни, богати на калций


Видео: Топ 7 групи храни, богати на калций

Видео: Топ 7 групи храни, богати на калций
Видео: Как тялото ти подсказва, че има нужда от калций? 2024, Април
Топ 7 групи храни, богати на калций
Топ 7 групи храни, богати на калций

Какво помага на мускулите ви да се свиват и отпускат, докато правите тези клекове с тежести? Какво носи този бърз рефлексен сигнал, когато докоснете нещо горещо?


Поддържането на калциевите резерви в тялото ви е от решаващо значение. Ето списък с храни, богати на калций. Изберете любимите си и гответе буря.


  • Защо се нуждаете от калций?
  • 7 групи храни, богати на калций
  • Колко калций имате нужда?
  • Какво се случва, ако има твърде малко калций?
  • Калциеви добавки, на които можете да се доверите

Защо се нуждаете от калций?

Калцият поддържа цялата костна система и мускулите, подпомага функционирането на нервната система и е съществен компонент на кръвоносната система (1).

Без него мастноразтворимите хранителни вещества като витамини А, D, Е и К не се усвояват в тялото ви. Този дисбаланс може да предизвика верига от нарушения и недостатъци (1).

Прочетете, за да намерите списък с богати на калций групи храни.

7 групи храни, богати на калций

1. Зеленчуци

Зеленчукови Порция Съдържание на калций (в mg)
Зеленчук от яката, варен ½ чаша 178
Уасаби 1 чаша 166
Спанак ½ чаша 146
Ряпа зелени, пресни, варени ½ чаша 124
Кале, прясно, варено 1 чаша 94
Бамя, сготвена ½ чаша 88
Зелено цвекло, варено ½ чаша 82
Китайско зеле (bok choy) 1 чаша 79
Броколи 1 чаша 42.8
Зелки 1 чаша 35.6
Хрян 1 чаша 30
Репичка 1 чаша 29,0
Карфиол 1 чаша 22,0

Източник: (1), (2)

2. Плодове, сокове и сушени плодове

Плодове Порция Съдържание на калций (в mg)
Портокалов сок (обогатен с калций и витамин D) 100 g 201
Ревен, замразен, неварен 100 g 194
Смокини (сушени) 100 g 162
Карантия, занте, сушена 100 g 86
Сини сливи, дехидратирани, сурови 100 72
Портокали с кора 100 70
Дати, medjool 100 64
Кайсии, сушени, сурови 100 55
Стафиди, без семена 100 50
Черници 100 39
Elderberries 100 38
Jackfruit 100 34
Lychees, dried 100 33
Blackberries 100 29
Kiwifruit 100 26
Raspberries 100 25
Papayas 100 24

Source: (3)

3. Dairy And Milk Products

Dairy/Milk Product Serving Size Calcium Content (in mg)
Whey, sweet, dried 100 g 796
Romano cheese 1.5 oz 452
Yogurt, plain, low-fat 8 oz. 415
Swiss cheese 1.5 oz. 336
Mozzarella 1.5 oz 333
Cheddar cheese 1.5 oz. 307
Milk, non-fat 8 oz. 299
Buttermilk, low-fat 8 oz. 284
Whole milk (3.25% fat) 8 oz. 276
Feta cheese 1.5 oz 210
Cottage cheese, 1% milkfat 1 cup 138
Frozen yogurt, vanilla ½ cup 103
Ice cream, vanilla, ½ cup 84
Sour cream, reduced fat 2 tablespoons 31
Cream cheese, regular 1 tablespoon 14

Source: (1), (2), (3)

4. Legumes, Legume Products, And Lentils

Legume/Lentil Serving Size Calcium Content (in mg)
Winged beans, mature 100 g 440
Soymilk, calcium- fortified 8 oz. 299
Tofu, firm, with calcium sulfate ½ cup 253
Tofu, soft, with calcium sulfate ½ cup 138
Soy meal, defatted, raw 100 g 244
White beans, mature 100 g 240
Natto 100 g 217
Kidney beans, red, mature 100 g 195
Soy flour, full-fat roasted 100 g 188
Soybeans, green, cooked ½ cup 130
Cowpeas, cooked ½ cup 106
White beans, canned ½ cup 96
Soybeans, mature, cooked ½ cup 88
Adzuki beans, mature 100 g 66
French beans, mature 100 g 63
Yellow beans, mature 100 g 62
Baked beans, home-made 100 g 61
Miso 100 g 57
Lentils, raw 100 g 56
Peanuts, boiled, salted 100 g 55
Split peas, mature 100 g 55
Mung beans, mature, cooked, 100 g 53
Fava beans, mature, cooked 100 g 36

Source: (2),(3)

5. Nuts And Seeds

Nuts/Seeds Serving Size Calcium Content (in mg)
Sesame seeds, whole, dried 100g 975
Chia seeds, dried 100g 631
Almonds 100g 264
Flaxseeds 100g 255
Lotus seeds, dried 100g 163
Brazil nuts, dried, unblanched 100g 160
Hazelnuts or filberts 100g 114
Pistachios, raw 100g 107
Walnuts, English 100g 98
Sunflower seed kernels 100g 78
Pecans, dry roasted 100g 72
Pumpkin seeds, dry roasted 100g 55
Cashew nuts, raw 100g 37
Chestnuts (Japanese), dried 100g 31
Coconut meat, desiccated 100g 26
Pine nuts, dried 100g 8

Source: (5)

6. Fish, Egg, And Meat Products

Fish/Egg/Meat Product Serving Size Calcium Content (in mg)
Beef, variety meats, raw 100 g 485
Sardines, canned in oil with bones 3 oz. 325
Pork, fresh, variety meats, raw 100 g 315
Caviar, black and red 100 g 275
Mature hens, raw, deboned 100 g 187
Salmon, pink, canned, with bones 3 oz. 181
Lamb, variety meats, raw 100g 162
Shrimp, canned 100g 145
Turkey, deboned, raw 100g 145
Ocean perch, Atlantic, cooked 3 oz 116
Pacific Herring, cooked, dry heat 100 g 106
Blue crab, canned 3 oz 86
Clams, canned 3 oz 78
Rainbow trout, farmed, cooked 3 oz 73
Lobster, cooked 100 g 61
Duck, meat and skin, raw 100 g 11

Source: (1), (2), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)

7. Breakfast Cereals, Grains, And Pasta

Cereal/Grain/Pasta Serving Size Calcium Content (in mg)
Ready-to-eat cereal, calcium-fortified 1 cup 100-1000
Oatmeal, plain and flavored, instant, fortified 1 packet prepared 99-110
Bread, white 1 slice 73
Chocolate pudding, ready-to-eat, refrigerated 4 oz. 55
Bread, whole-wheat 1 slice 30
All-purpose wheat flour, enriched 100 g 338
Teff, uncooked 100 g 180
Amaranth, uncooked 100 g 159
Corn flour, enriched 100 g 141
Wheat bran, crude 100 g 73
White rice, parboiled 100 g 55
Oats 100 g 54
Quinoa, uncooked 100 g 47
Buckwheat flour 100 g 41
Macaroni, whole-wheat 100 g 40
Brown rice, raw 100 g 33
Spaghetti, dry 100 g 21

Source: (1), (2), (11)

That was our exclusive list of calcium-rich foods. All you need to do is pick a few items from these lists and cook up a calcium-rich storm.

Before you get to work, it is important to know how much calcium you need. Check the next section for these details.

How Much Of Calcium Do You Need?

The requirements change with age and sex.

Male Pregnant 0–6 months* 7–12 months* 1–3 years 4–8 years 9–13 years 14–18 years
71+ years

1,000 mg of calcium daily. Girls (14-18 years) need a higher intake of 1,300 mg, and older, post-menopausal women need about 1,200 mg of calcium per day (1).

The tolerable upper intake levels (UL) of a supplement are the highest amount that most people can take safely. For calcium, it looks something like this:

Age UL
0-12 months
14-18 yr
14-18 yr

But what if these components are unavailable/insufficient to meet the daily intake mark? What happens when you have calcium deficiency?

What Happens If There Is Too Less Calcium?

Calcium deficiency would trigger a multi-functional setback, given its critical role in the metabolism and maintenance of your body. Following are the symptoms of calcium deficiency or hypocalcemia (12):

  • Numbness of fingertips and toes
  • Muscle cramps
  • Convulsions
  • Lethargy
  • Poor appetite
  • Arrhythmia
  • Rickets (if coupled with vitamin D deficiency)
  • Random neuromuscular irritability
  • Chronic renal failure
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cardiovascular diseases, and in worst cases
  • Death

To avoid such repercussions, it is best to have a balanced diet rich in calcium as well. Despite taking measures, if you are diagnosed with hypocalcemia, healthcare providers may prescribe calcium supplements.

Calcium supplements are synthetic formulations of calcium compounds. Most of these are safe for human consumption.

But we strongly recommend you to use them only under medical supervision.

Calcium Supplements You Can Trust

Top calcium-rich foods - Calcium Supplements You Can Trust
Top calcium-rich foods - Calcium Supplements You Can Trust
  1. Calcium Carbonate: Most quickly absorbed in the body. It is available in the form of capsules, liquids, powder, and over-the-counter tablets.
  2. Calcium Citrate: A more expensive form of calcium. It is absorbed well on an empty or full stomach.
  3. Other Sources: Calcium gluconate, calcium lactate, calcium phosphate, calcium acetate, calcium citrate malate, calcium lactogluconate, tricalcium phosphate, etc. with multivitamin-mineral supplements are available (13).

Check the product authenticity symbols, serving size, instructions to use, and the recommended dosage before choosing the right supplement.

Above all, use them only on medical consent.

In Summary

It is mandatory to get the recommended intake of this magic mineral to live a fuss-free life. With medical/dietetic guidance, you can plan a calcium-rich meal using the listed food groups.

If this article has given you all that you wanted to know about calcium-rich foods, share your feedback and suggestions in the section below.

Strengthen your bones, boost heart health, and stay fit with calcium!

Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

How much calcium can your body absorb at a time?

Your body can take up about 500 mg of calcium at a time. Although the daily requirement is approximately 1000-1200 mg, it is better to split the total into small doses of 500 mg across the day. This would ensure maximum absorption of calcium.

How do you determine the levels of calcium in your body?

Levels of calcium in your body can be determined by taking a simple blood test. It can help you diagnose calcium deficiency or calcium excess. The result indicates the amount of calcium circulating freely in the blood, but not that stored in bones.

The reference range for calcium in adults is 8.6 mg/dL to 10.2 mg/dL, and for children, it varies from lab to lab.

13 sources

Stylecraze has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Calcium, Fact Sheet for Health Professionals, Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health.


  • APPENDIX B. FOOD SOURCES OF SELECTED NUTRIENTS, Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, USDA.


  • Fruits and Fruit Juices, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Legumes and Legume Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Nuts and Seed Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Finfish and Shellfish Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Beef Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Poultry Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Pork Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Lamb, Veal, and Game Products, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Cereal Grains and Pasta, Foods highest in Calcium, SELFNutritionData.


  • Signs of Hypocalcemia: Chvostek’s and Trousseau’s Signs, Review of Clinical Signs, Hospital Physician, CiteSeerX, The Pennsylvania State University.


  • All About Calcium Supplements, New York State Osteoporosis Prevention & Education Program, Department of Health, New York State.



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