9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cannellini Beans


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Видео: 9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cannellini Beans
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9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cannellini Beans
9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Cannellini Beans

Are you a health nut who cannot get enough of beans? Are beans the next thing on your health agenda? You are not far off the mark as cannellini beans hit the bull’s eye where robust health is concerned. Let us find out the various incredible benefits of these white beans.

What are Cannellini Beans?

What are Cannellini Beans? Cannelini Beans are commonly known as white kidney beans owing to their large kidney shape with squared edges. The pale creamy-white beans are derived from a common bean ancestor that originated in Peru. The modern-day version are available as canned, which retain their nutritional value. Cannellini beans are well-liked in many cultures across the world. White kidney beans are available throughout the year. It is a wonderful inexpensive addition to many dishes (1). The beans are good in simmering dishes for their ability to absorb other seasoning and flavors well.

[Read: Benefits Of Mung Beans]

Benefits of Cannellini Beans

Taste is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Here are the actual health benefits of cannellini beans. Keep reading.

  • 1. Excellent Protein Source
  • 2. Full Points For Fiber
  • 3. Provides Stable Energy
  • 4. Beans For A Healthier Heart
  • 5. Reduces Cancer Risk
  • 6. Aids Blood Flow
  • 7. More Iron
  • 8. Assists Cognitive Ability
  • 9. Nutrient Potpourri

1. Excellent Protein Source

Cannellini beans are one of the most inexpensive high protein sources available in canned versions. The protein content in these beans is comparable to the dairy and meat products. A half cup gives you 8 grams of protein. When combined with other vegetables, it is a storehouse of nutrients. As the beans take a long time to cook, it does not matter if you pick them fresh or save a can for a later use (2).

2. Full Points For Fiber

Kidney beans contain both insoluble and soluble fibres, which offer many health benefits. Such is the nutrient content that 200 grams of cooked cannellini beans can complete a whopping 50% of your daily recommended intake of dietary fibre (3). While insoluble fibre helps prevent digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome; soluble fiber removes toxins from the body by binding to cholesterol containing bile.

3. Provides Stable Energy

If you have a long day ahead, better stuff yourself with cannellini beans since they provide stable energy throughout the day due to the soluble fiber content. The energy is burnt slowly, leading to balanced blood sugar. Researchers have found that diabetics who consumed more fibre were able to control their cholesterol levels (4). They emphasized that increasing fibre content had more beneficial effects than reducing sugars in the patients’ diet.

[Read: Benefits Of Navy Beans]

4. Beans For A Healthier Heart

Cannellini beans help the heart live longer simply by protecting it from the onset of many diseases. The beans are already known to aid reduced cholesterol levels, thereby reducing heart attack risk. They also decreases risk of coronary heart disease by acting against adverse components absorbed through other unhealthy foods. The beans contain folate, which bring down blood homocysteine levels (5).

5. Reduces Cancer Risk

Cannellini beans are said to have better cancer fighting abilities compared to other beans, thanks to its healthy fibre. They not only help eliminate toxins, but also reduce several cancer risks. They carry phytochemicals and flavonoids that diminish growth of cancer cells (6). The considerable fiber works well to prevent colorectal cancer, making it a potent tool with which to reduce all bower cancers (7). Increasing your white kidney bean intake by 2 to 3 servings a week is enough is begin fighting the cancer.

6. Aids Blood Flow

Този член на семейство Боб помага за правилния кръвен поток. Това се случва чрез значителното доставяне на магнезий, който има много важни функции в човешкото тяло. Един от тях е регулирането на сърдечния ритъм, свиването на мускулите и проводимостта на нервния импулс (8). Магнезият в зърната Cannellini е естествено средство за поддържане на артериите здрави.

7. Повече желязо

Белият боб позволява да се попълнят запасите от желязо. С повече хемоглобин в кръвта, повече кислород се транспортира до тялото. Желязото също е част от няколко клетъчни функции и ензими (9). Растящите деца се нуждаят от повече желязо, а бобът е най-добрият хранителен източник.

8. Подпомага когнитивните способности

Зърната Cannellini могат да ви направят остри, тъй като са богат доставчик на тиамин (витамин B1). Хранителното вещество подпомага функцията на мозъчните клетки заедно с познанието (10). Тиаминът играе ключова роля в производството на ацетилхолин. Този невротрансмитер е необходим за паметта и неговият дефицит може да доведе до когнитивен спад.

9. Хранителни попури

Освен това, белият боб предлага много други хранителни вещества като витамин К, молибден, фосфор, калций, мед, манган, калий и всички свързани с тях ползи за здравето. Фасулът ви дава всичко това за много малко калории.

Сега, когато знаем как зърната канелини могат да помогнат на тялото ни, като осигуряват достатъчно храна, включително включването им в диетата ни, е лесно решение. Статията помогна ли ви? Моля, уведомете ни в раздела за коментари по-долу.


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